And below trigger happy ultra pathetic squaddie POTTER itching to get back home to kill a few rural innocents.
UK squaddie POTTER can't get enough killing in Afghanistan. Consequently he's just itching to get back to the UK to do a bit more killing against unarmed non-opposition. So he writes home somewhat tortured so as to let it all hang out and wins somewhat dubious SHITTING TIMES Yuletide "letter of the week" status. And he receives a BOOT HILL prize. So thus newly attired who knows he may just follow in John Humpries timely exodus footsteps.
Well any exodus for the likes of Humphries would be timely. Slightly cheering news in that Humphries was born after this blogger and has pre-deceased me so its not all bad news. Why its almost an IRON LADY exodus prelude. 'Course not all our Squaddies over in Afghanistan are itching to get home to do a spot of killing against unarmed other species just for fun and ra...ra...ra...recreation.
Strangely enough one harbours slight reservations about JOHN HUMPHRIES timely demise. Even maggots after death deserve a measure of respect and one has to recognise re HUMPHRIES' cadaver that it may even severely test maggot energies and enthusiasms.
Not a lot of non shitties know it but SHITTING TIMES mag ' is entirely produced every week from duly hunted down used lavatory toilet bum wipes. The SHITTING TIMES editor ALASTAIR BALMAIN knows a thing or two about re-cycling. The DAILY MAIL carried a news item marginally critical of the Shit Shooting Bowel Disfunction Fraternity and Alastair Balmain recycled it (7 Dec 2011) with with a dollop of his own rear-end meanderings added in the hope that the Mail will duly lay off.
CLICK HERE for more murky info from this neck of the woods.
Well any exodus for the likes of Humphries would be timely. Slightly cheering news in that Humphries was born after this blogger and has pre-deceased me so its not all bad news. Why its almost an IRON LADY exodus prelude. 'Course not all our Squaddies over in Afghanistan are itching to get home to do a spot of killing against unarmed other species just for fun and ra...ra...ra...recreation.
Strangely enough one harbours slight reservations about JOHN HUMPHRIES timely demise. Even maggots after death deserve a measure of respect and one has to recognise re HUMPHRIES' cadaver that it may even severely test maggot energies and enthusiasms.
Not a lot of non shitties know it but SHITTING TIMES mag ' is entirely produced every week from duly hunted down used lavatory toilet bum wipes. The SHITTING TIMES editor ALASTAIR BALMAIN knows a thing or two about re-cycling. The DAILY MAIL carried a news item marginally critical of the Shit Shooting Bowel Disfunction Fraternity and Alastair Balmain recycled it (7 Dec 2011) with with a dollop of his own rear-end meanderings added in the hope that the Mail will duly lay off.
CLICK HERE for more murky info from this neck of the woods.
retard mongaloid !
You're a very sad person. I never fail to be disappointed by the depths to which some people will stoop. John Humphreys wrote with dignity and respected others views. While you may disagree with his opinions and pastimes, one should always respect the human being behind it all. Shame on you
You are a pretty sad and extremely low stooper too Carl Britt. If one surveys the shooting and killing fraternity ephemera one clearly sees just how low they do stoop in order to kill living creatures for fun and entertainment primarily. Indeed the fraternity love having their poser pics taken Its positive news that John Humphreys is no more at least that has stopped his vile murderous activities. Imagine cretinous military personnel seving in Afghanistan itching to get back to the UK to hunt small creatures - and indeed one such senior cretin is now running the killing enthusiasts COUNTRYSIDE ALLIANCE and he cant wait to recruit youngsters into the killing fraternity.
Ian Cameron,
What a load of utter prejudiced rubbish, and comments such as yours make me lose a little faith in humanity.
You do realise that all shot game is later eaten, do you not? So do you celebrate when meat eaters die of infections from, for example, undercooked meat?
People like you have no place whatsoever on this planet. Full stop.
Hiya Anonymous ah lost faith in humanity have you? Not 'cos your trigger happy is it? Get up on the top shelf of W H SMITHs and sleep it off. Put the shooter away now dont want you to injure yourself.
There is nothing wrong with shooting or shooters.
Shooting is a perfectly legitimate sport, a great day out and except for some pest control shooting, it produces a free range, ethically produced, healthy, tasty, environmentally friendly meat, I fail to see how anyone can complain about that. Do you eat meat at all?
Well you've got me BANG to rights there haven't yah. Must fly I feel a deep brown turd coming on!
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