At page 7 of his slim 1979 anecdotal volume LOOS THROUGH THE AGES loo-ologist RICHARD WOOD has a small passing anecdote sadly unsupported by photography (oh if only!!) regarding the loo wall illustrations that during the latter years of the late Princess Diana had decorated her KENSINGTON PALACE bolt hole. This is his anecdote: “Do you have pictures on your loo walls? It is said that Diana, Princess of Wales, decorated her loo at KENSINGTON PALACE with cartoons of her ex husband”.
That members of the Upper Crud should be the topic of toilet or toilet wall anecdote seems to be quite appropriate and such low lives have variously featured on this blog before – indeed as recently as > here <> here <. ----
By chance Mr Wood’s anecdote strikes a special resonance with STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH because as per above here on the elegant “POOR KID RICH KID” STUDLEY ESTATE Kilroy’s own loo wall has a "CRIES OF OLD BAILEY" small UPPER CRUD item of artwork made back in 2002 to commemorate the sudden closure of the criminal OLD BAILEY prosecution of Diana’a ex BUTLER PAUL BURRELL.
QUEENIKINS had suddenly suffered an extremely fortunate brainstorm – and thereby recalled a conversation between herself and DIANA’s ex Butler PAUL BURRELL then on trial for quite serious and EXTREMELY EMBARRASSING crimes. The trial was immediately closed down and of course QUEENIKINS didn’t get called to Court to testify and had thus avoided having her recollections subjected to cross examination – heaven forbid that in the name of justice an UPPER CRUD should have to suffer such an un-holy indignity.
By chance Mr Wood’s anecdote strikes a special resonance with STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH because as per above here on the elegant “POOR KID RICH KID” STUDLEY ESTATE Kilroy’s own loo wall has a "CRIES OF OLD BAILEY" small UPPER CRUD item of artwork made back in 2002 to commemorate the sudden closure of the criminal OLD BAILEY prosecution of Diana’a ex BUTLER PAUL BURRELL.
QUEENIKINS had suddenly suffered an extremely fortunate brainstorm – and thereby recalled a conversation between herself and DIANA’s ex Butler PAUL BURRELL then on trial for quite serious and EXTREMELY EMBARRASSING crimes. The trial was immediately closed down and of course QUEENIKINS didn’t get called to Court to testify and had thus avoided having her recollections subjected to cross examination – heaven forbid that in the name of justice an UPPER CRUD should have to suffer such an un-holy indignity.
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