Wednesday, 23 February 2011


UP AGAINST THE LAW (UPAL) Magazine (August 1975)
containing a 23 page detailed researched analysis of the
GEORGE DAVIS FIT-UP. It was and remains the best ever
publicly made available account of the actual case - and was written
by this blogger who at that time was a full time member of the
In May 1976 just two years into a 20 year sentence
GEORGE DAVIS released - but not declared innocent.
When East End Mini Cab Driver GEORGE DAVIS got sent to prison for armed robbery etc., back in the mid Seventies - see HERE - he did not know details of certain evidence that police had that could have prevented his conviction but which police had kept secret - there were also other abuses of process but the suppressed evidence has now come to light - see HERE - even though DAVIS was freed in May 1976 altho' not declared innocent. So he has always had the conviction on his record - which included attempted murder of a cop which he did not actually do. Today his Appeal Court legal representatives stressed when the Appeal began that the evidence suppressed by the police for all these years was an extremely grave wrong doing.

The Appeal is not yet concluded. However it is interesting in the light of the above to look back at another case in which it transpired in December 2003 that police evidence of an extremely corrupt nature if true was suppressed by police for over 20 years resulting in 2 men serving that period in prison for murders which had it been disclosed at the time of their 1980 prosecution would not have led to their convictions, and being given life sentences of imprisonment.

The two men in question - Harry MacKenney and Terry Pinfold were convicted of a series of alleged gangland killings - separated in time and circumstance - and no bodies etc were produced in evidence. They were convicted on the word of a supergrass who was an associate of theirs.

At the Appeal Court in 2003 after 21 years inside, protesting their innocence, evidence was sworn that helped lead to their release. The evidence - see HERE - came from an ex CID officer who back in the late Seventies had wanted to investigate the circumstances of the disappearence of one of the victims whose murder MacKenney and Pinfold had been accused of and convicted of. This ex cop's December 2003 testimony informed the Court that he was warned off doing any such investigations - that he was told by a senior CID officer that the murdered person was actually still alive - not dead - and that if he did continue to investigate there would be almighty problems for the CID etcetera and indeed that it would be they that would end up inside.

So this important information of police corruption was suppressed on all sides for 20 years plus and this includes even by the ex-officer who'd kept it quiet and had got away with it - so much for police accountability. So far as is known known publicly - altho MacKenney and Pinfold were released after 21 years inside - no cops were ever prosecuted etc., for this seemingly incredible police malfunction.

The GEORGE DAVIS appeal turning largely on knowingly suppressed evidence by the police for 35 years brings the late Seventies separate MacKenney and Pinfold Case to mind.


At 26 February 2011 at 06:10 , Anonymous TPRights of Man said...

This is the only clear account I've read of the context and meaning of the GDavis Appeal in the light of other wrongful convictions, and of the very odd evidence at the original trial. If the DNA traces didn't resemble the DNA of G Davis -or of anyone else ! How could he have been convicted ?

Those of us who aren't cricket fans will also always remember the vindictive public punishment of the GDavis Is Innocent campaigners for ripping up the test match cricket pitch in their attempts to attract public attention to injustice.

At 27 February 2011 at 07:54 , Blogger Ian Cameron aka KILROY WAS-A-HERO said...

Juries can get hoodwinked - one of the 3 Davis was on trial with got a hung verdict so he wa slater re-tried but acquitted. Of course the jury didn't know the cops had suppressed namely witheld - kept secret evidence that would have helped Davis' acquittal - hence the Appeal this past week. The police Moulder report re the bent cop case was suppressed and still will be after the eventual Appeal judgement. It took the recent immense public scandal surrounding the cop killing of Ian Tomlinson to embarras the cops into releasing the 40 years plus old Blair Peach report.

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