A few months ago when 2 cycles were stollen from the SAINSBURY's bike rack at SAINSBURY'S NINE ELMS (so-called) SUPER STORE its in-store "security" staff refused point blank to call police telling its 2 unfortunate customers - this blogger being one of them - that they would not be prepared to phone police to assist - you can find the narrative details >>> HERE <<<.
Mostly Sainsbury's staff do a good enough job but there are moments when things are disappointing to say the least. Today was yet another such disappointing occasion.
A customer purchased one bag of carrots and a copy of todays TIMES newspaper - as if Matthew Parris inside THE TIMES crudely boasting of his punk era letter-writing past as part of MAGGIE THATCHER's P R team wasn't enough - unforgettable TIMES correspondent old Henry Root must have crapped big time in his shroud today.
Anyway one proceded to one of Sainsbury's staffed checkout cash tills - placed the above photographed 2 item items on the counter immediately next to the cash register scanner and the assistant (so called) totally refused to scan either of them unless the customer not her picked up one of them and actually placed it on top of the cash till scanner! For absolutely no good reason she was adamant that she herself not perfom that small task.
At "customer services" - so-called - there was, they said, no manager available and soonish instead there appeared a member fo staff who verbally identified himself as a supervisor. The above short cash till episode was outlined to him - he expressed momentary surprise and shock, apologised and stated that the member of staff "ought not to have so behaved". He said he would speak to that staff member and went off in the opposite direction ... to meander near other check outs. He had not scrutinised who the negligent member of staff was and the likelihood must be that no action will have been taken.
SAINSBURY'S could and should do better.
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