Steve Reed, the "Leader" (so-called) of Lambeth Council, put in a 3 minute appearance at the S L C Assembly held at Lambeth Town Hall last night. He flitted in to address the "PUBLIC SPACE" agenda item which was actually about Public Toilet provision - or rather the ongoing lack of it - in the Brixton Town Centre area. He wa clapped out as he left the Assembley - so no down at heel change there!!
Of course he's thick skinned and smooth enough to seemingly carry it off. After 2 or 3 years of stoney studied procrastination (and the serious likelihood of eons more to come) he had this brief news - a number of Brixton Town Centre businesses/ stores will (some time hence) allow the public to use their toilet facilities and as for night-time provision clubbers and others will be separately catered for by the introduction of "pissoirs". He did not say whether the "pissoirs" would be permanent - there must be a strong possibility that they will NOT be.
And of course he said NOTHING about night-time public toilet provision for women "caught short". Is it to be presumed that women are expected to dunk in their handbags? SOUTH LONDON CITIZEN and all WOMEN were short changed - so not much change there.
LAMBETH COUNCIL is an absolute disgrace. Its Councillors are as thick skinned and inadequate as they come. A pox on them for their indifference. Middlesboro (a la Bowyer) are STILL playing away (see numerous earlier posts).
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