Lambeth Council Cabinet meeting "Minute" 28 January 2008. Councillor Clive Bennett (Lib Dem St Leonards) expressed concern over the idea of charging given the high incidence of antisocial urination in the borough, and stated that greater weight should be given to equal opportunities; in particular, the needs of women and the disabled were not adequately addressed in the report. The minimum of 23 facilities set out in the report was also insufficient and greater investment was needed. He considered that daytime use of public conveniences should also be examined.
GLA "AN URGENT NEED REPORT" (published March 2006). At page 10 this report recommended: "We recommend that local authorities and the Mayor require twice as many women's toilets as men's in all new developments, or major refurbishment schemes, that they have control of influence over".
Ah poor Lambeth Council are feeling hard done by because of these so-called "abusive" posts - of course it is we in the Stockwell Community who have suffered enough "abuse" - since Sept 1988 (20 years) because the Council closed SIX local toilets including Stockwell in a budget cutting exercise. LAMBETH COUNCIL SUCKED THEN JUST AS IT HAS DONE EVER SINCE AND IS CONTINUING SO TO DO. PERIOD. But all the abusers are "other" than COUNCIL - they are street urinators and bloggers etcetera and the Council are all unpoluted heroes.
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