Glory be what exiting times we're still living in. Decked out in one of Oswald Boateng's Saville Row most expensive I'm scouring the Royal Boro of Lambeth hearing voices and seeking an artist who could produce a page one LAMBETH LIFE spread that would be comparable to the above January 1999 epic designed to play down... down... down... 5 projected local library closures within the context of Lambeth's quest for “CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE". Before 1999 I'd thought The Spinners were Liverpool folkies. Mind you in those far off days Lambeth was still a tad dimwit and the SPACE AGE futuristsic pissoir tag failed to get cottoned on to. I was going to fly a kite for an artist at Monday night's DIRTY SKUNKS LAMBETH TOWN HALL CABINET CLUB but as previously posted D.J. GRIMEBALL REED had deep bowel problems.
The voice I'm hearing is that of my Clapham Church Yard buried cockatiel calling out over and over “GOING4GOLD .... FIND THE PISSOIR OLYMPICS”.
I pray that LIVINGSTONE or ELLA COP-OUT doesn't get the whisper.
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