The above is a reproduction of one of two the local toilet provision STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL blogspots posted yesterday, 1st January 2009. The above post differs from the 2nd (not reproduced here) in that the one not reproduced here contained details of local premises that are now COMMUNITY TOILET SCHEME participants - all of which such details have already been posted on this blog (>here<) and so to repeat reproduction on this STW blog seems unnecessary.
This STW blog has made very pointed cricisims of STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL for not having carried any helpful news or advice about the lack of and dire need for CENTRAL STOCKWELL public toilet provision. This blog, as a consequence, has been in contact with STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL and it does now appear that those contacts have had BEGUN to have a beneficial effect.
The comment left today by STW on the STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL blog in response its openly declared need for more STOCKWELL TOILETS blogspot is as follows:-
"I am glad (understatement) that these latest 2 postings attesting to the serious need for improved local Stockwell public toilet provision have been uploaded. It will be helpful if there are positive outcomes resulting from your letters to local businesses to participate in the CTS scheme. I decode your decision as indicating that even 11 months after Lambeth Council took the CTS decision the businesses you lists had not already been written to as potential participants. There still needs – in my view – to be some 24/7 provision and as per Camberwell Green there could be a 24/7 automated public toilet located on the central Stockwell island – there is very easily enough un-used space. I trust that this blog will reasonably update on what progress is being made. The blog might also seek CTS users to feed back information about the success or otherwise of the scheme. There have been serious problems in some locations countrywide where the scheme had been introduced".
Alex Bigham the STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL local LABOUR PARTY blogger has recently indicated by email to STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH in response to our earlier critical postings highlighting shortcomings with the CTS to date that he would up-load information about local toilet provision, and would look into the operational shortcomings (signage etc.,) that STW had identified -so yesterdays welcome STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL postings did not come as total surprise. Although yesterdays postings are the very first real publicity by STOCKWELL LABOUR PARTY and its 3 local WARD COUNCILLORS during the 3 years plus period that STW's blog's initiator has witnessed.
STW is far from optimistic that a number of the central STOCKWELL BUSINESSES that STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL is in the proces of contacting about participating in the COMMUNITY TOILET SCHEME will become particpants. So it is hoped that there will be forther STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL feedback on the responses that are recieved.
It is also hoped that STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL will promote open discussion about public toilets initiatives additional to the use of business premises toilets - namely (1) the installation of a 24/7 automated CENTRAL STOCKWELL toilet - and (2) that it will also recommend to central government that it should legislate to make it obligatory on local authorities to provide public toilets. The latter suggestion has been mooted with Andrew Bigham who as yet has not responded.
This is the latest Alex Bigham reply to the above cited "comment" left by this blog on his STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL blog earlier today:-
"Alex Bigham said...
Thanks Ian (Stockwell Toilet Watch) for your comment. I will keep you updated on progress from the letters. I don't know if Lambeth wrote originally, imagine they did, but I will make the specific point in the letter about lack of provision near to the station, and follow up from the letters. I will raise the point re 24/7 provision with the councillors, but lets try to get a CTS near the station for now - this would seem more likely in the short term. Very happy to get feedback from CTS users, just use the comment form or email me. 02 January 2009 17:27"
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