Onionbogblog has bagged a bogshot - as above.
Altho' Onionbagblog doesn't do much for yours truly (local blogs are indicative that artists and/or such like have moved into the up-coming area did you know!!!??? - so is my rear end) this shot IS worth giving a plug. Would it were taken at central STOCKWELL but unfortunately not - but now that absentee Labourite ALEX BIGHAM is threatening to re-visit the manor maybe he'll also unwrap one of the above - don't hold your breath altho' his blog has got money sloshing about and he's stuck for ideas for how to use it.
So far Bigham's' blog has been a totally toilet free zone. I might pop up to Middlesboro to digitally record its pretty pretty loos - then again - maybe not. I just hope that on the pictured fonebox window that is not a misplaced LAMBETH COMMUNITY TOILET SCAM sticker.
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