WE LOVE LARKHALL - so extolls the STOCKWELL LABOUR PARTY blogblurb. Like the STOCKWELL LABOUR PARTY blogblurb STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL forthcoming they are not.
WE LOVE LARKHALL recently posted a blogspot about the LAMBETH COMMUNITY POLICE CONSULTATIVE GROUP which invited locals to open links to the latter cop group's website and check it out. Pity WE LOVE LARKHALL hadn't checked it out themselves. The site invites visitors to read its lovely "MINUTES" - only problem is the "MINUTES" for the past 6 months are not there and those that are there for the earlier months only got there after repeated - yes that's right "REPEATED" -blogged protests see here (and open links) by STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH.
So we left a "comment" on WE LOVE LARKHALL's BLOG to invite them to open their own links and check out the non provision by the Lambeth Cop website of recent "MINUTES". The record and details of our request are captured in the above images saved from both the WE LOVE LARKHALL and Lambeth Cop websites - the latter shows no recent "MINUTES".
---- Will our WE LOVE LARKHALL comment "appear" after moderator scrutiny? Or will the comment just vanish into thin air?
STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH still awaits a response here to queries raised with STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL re local public toilet provision in the central STOCKWELL area. If a response is forthcoming it will come as such a surprise I may call 999 for emergency services to attend and check out Alex Bigham the STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL blogger.
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