The Council's Street Care Department which largely orchestrates the somewhat discordant so-called COMMUNITY TOILET SCHEME (CTS) - and also its rather rarer on-street Public Toilet facilities (only 4 such facilities nowadays still exist across the whole borough) - have now begun - under pressure - to erect "on-street CTS signage" to publicise nearby premises which have toilet facilities which the public can freely use. The above top photo shows one such newly erected CTS sign for THE NOTT - a nearby premises on the Wandsworth Road in the general vicinity of SAINSBURY's and THE SOUTHBANK CLUB.
The above NOTT signage is located at the traffic lights at the Wandsworth Road - Wilcox Road intersection. This development has not been publicised on the Stockwell Labour Party Blog STANDUPFORSTOCKWELL because its practitioners are probably on a lay down and anyway public toilet provision has never been a consistant enthusiasm among those brethen - Stockwell Labour URINE BIKES of course are another matter. Of course to be fair to them tweet tweet tweet what with Maggie Thatcher being laid-up in hospital and their hero War Criminal Tony Blair being recalled by Chilcott they must be preoccupied and worried sick. 'Specially Middlesboro Pete (Bowyer) - he originally forked out 50p to join the Labour Party and times are definitely getting even harder.
There is now off-premises on-street CTS signage for most of the CLAPHAM, STOCKWELL and VAUXHALL premises that offer CTS facilities - in all they total about 13 premises and now all but 4 have nearby on-street signage tho' it's presence is likely only fairly slowly to be espied by the locals for what it actually is. As yet there's no on-street CTS signage for the THIRD SPACE BAR & LOUNGE - a very very recent CTS participant facility - in fact the very very first at CENTRAL STOCKWELL - again no mention of it to date on the STANDUPFORSTOCKWELL (if only!!) BLOG.
Anyway the on-street CTS signage is an improvement and in the background hassling for improvement has quietly been going on and Lambeth Council Street Care sleuths have been having their slumbers interrupted. The hassling sure isn't over yet -
oh no not by a long chalk.
The Central Stockwell THIRD SPACE BAR & LOUNGE opens every day. Except Mondays. But not until 3pm - and sometimes can be further delayed
as per today when the above photo was taken after 3pm.
Maybe they got "caught-short"!
It looks to this outsider as though your constant pressure, backed by your MP, so your cause can`t be dismissed as marginal, is beginning to have results. The Council didn`t want to do anything at all about toilet provision. Now they have been obliged to start.
Julius Hogben
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