Sunday 23 December 2012


The CONQUEST OF CRIME publication below was written by, published by and sold by TORIES from the London Conservative Political Centre back in 1970 and it had a "Forward" by a then very very senior Tory lawyer QUENTIN HOGG. At page 13 its text read as set out below the cover image:

"The criminal is always greedy, and is always suspicious of his colleagues. Greed and suspicion may be fostered, once the undercover agent has infiltrated into such a group. Rumour can be fostered that a particular colleague has informed, or has been a careless talker in public. Equally, if one colleague has not been invited to partake in a criminal enterprise, he can be informed that the reason was that he was regarded as unreliable or incompetent, so that his confidence with his colleagues is undermined. Convince such a man that he has become an outlaw amongst his associates, and he may turn informer by way of revenge, in exchange for his own protection.

..When a robbery has been committed and goods have been removed, advertise inflated figures of the amounts stolen, so that the organiser believes that he has been cheated ... this subversion swiftly spreads. brief, employ the tactics  effectively used in time of war by the Intelligence Department and the Department of Economic Warfare".  

The above underhand crooked policing tactics - along with numerous other examples were written up / published at length by this blogger on 15 March 1974 in the radical political then weekly publication PEACE NEWS in an article entitled "THE WAR AGAINST CRIME".  To hear Top Tories and other politicians - suddenly bleating on about historic police untrustworthiness because of PLEBGATE rings hollow. Indeed the Tory who got caught up in the current melee ANDREW MITCHELL was dead fortunate that SIMON HARWOOD the murdering cop who did for poor defenceless IAN TOMLINSON  wasn't on the Downing Street Gate. Had HARWOOD been in-situ one so-called top Tory might well have been interred even before MAGGIE THATCHER!  Even LEVESON hasn't got into all of the media and law and order goings on.


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