Er... can't say too much at the moment, commercial secrets are very much at the heart of things but somebody with an alleged spook background and far far away connections has made a bid for STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH. There is a LOT of money involved. If STW changes hands it could therefore result in a single 24/7 automated toilet being located on the central Stockwell clock tower island. And if ultra smart business man Peter de la Mandelson closes STOCKWELL POST OFFICE that could become a CTS karsey. And if he additionaly de-commissions all except one of the local SW4 post boxes there could "pissoirs" galore conversions.
So things are looking up after 20 plus years of abject local toilets neglect. A lot of this innovative entrepreneurial leap-frogging has to be credited to ONIONBAGBLOG's masturbating on about blogging being a symptom that an area is on the up'n'up. I am - confession time - all of a twitter.
Can't name the guy in pic - commercial secret. It could be that by 2015 STOCKWELL will have its first runway - not that outlandish a speculation as the same was mooted some years ago when totally barmy STOCKWELL PARTNERSHIP had a plan to turn Binfield Road into STOCKWELL VILLIAGE SQUARE. Ah poor old George he meant well - altho certain Portugese Forum elements have voiced grave doubts.
If STW does get its maulers on all this dosh it will make a small unobtrusive donation to both MIDDLESBORO FOOTBALL TEAM and STAND-UPFORSTOCKWELL blog.
Must chill-out - all this money its like a drug.
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