To read the above STANDARD report in full click below link -
Well well well if current rumours actually prove true this could be a truly amazing opportunity for London cops to do even more moonlighting than they do currently - see HERE. It'll maybe even provide an opportunity for the senior female Met cop whose monika momentarily escapes me - she who played a very very important role in getting the cops off the hook who had blasted Jean Charles Menezes to death at Stockwell Underground Station back in July 2005.
It is anticipated that if these massive "SPEARMINT STRINGFELLOW" dance scene UP THE POLE establishments do go ahead within abandoned Met Cop shops the new establishments will very conveniently have located within them small police desk facilities where aggrieved members of the public can report crimes - indeed it is anticipated they could obviously very usefully provide much needed out of normal hours facilities. Indeed even any not wholly satisfied up pole dance client could obtain on the spot credible Plod advice as to what remedy would be available for them to energetically pursue.
Extremely sadly however it is not anticipated that NEW SCOTLAND YARD will become one such UP THE POLE dance establishment and obviously that has got to be a very major disappointment which may take some years to overcome.
So far this blogger has not been able to get a response from London Mayor BORIS JOHNSON. As a relatively recent ex SPECTATOR editor in the days when it carried regular Ads' for Ladies wishing to privately entertain "gentlemen" readers, he might well be pretty sympathetic.
It is understood that the initiative has been got together by the now decades old open minded STATEWATCH RESEARCH group - which is not that surprising when one recalls now what an innovative original and endlessly progressive contribution it has now made over several decades - see HERE too.
Local COMMUNITY POLICE CONSULTATIVE GROUPS may not be altogether pleased but then they have largely now proved to be a washout for 25 years - including here locally in LAMBETH. Indeed only just recently in the context of Elected POLICE COMMISSIONERS local Lambeth MP KATE HOEY wrote that the CPCC's had gone somewhat into decline. Indeed she advised that even the HOME OFFICE had never ever tabulated or ever researched how many such CPCC groups had been established countrywide. The LAMBETH GROUP has the catchy slogan "YOUR SHOUT" but does absolutely no shouting to speak of. Indeed its officials informed this blogger that no one in the Group had any interest in the ELECTED POLICE COMMISSIONERS initiative.
Of course it's still early days but ex COP SHOP UP THE POLE DANCING would seem to be another UK on the up and up initiative. "SPEARMINT STRINGFELLOWS" - I like it!!
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