Community Toilet Scheme demolished.
see discussion below re HYDE "Reception" puzzlement -
spelling error circled in red.
(winter 2006 edition) - see discussion below .
propaganda imagery - see discussion below.
propaganda imagery - see relevant discussion details below -
(note - two LABOUR proposers are HYDE BOARD MEMBERS).
For the uninitiated "TOMMYROT" is vernacular for rubbish, garbage, cobblers, trash, nonesense, eyewash - a linguistic useage meaning that something is crap or not up to standard big time. This will be PART ONE of a two part HYDE SOUTHBANK HOMES "OPERATION TOMMYROT" sequence. The intention should be reasonably clear - HYDE SOUTHBANK HOMES leaves much to be desired.
For the uninitiated "TOMMYROT" is vernacular for rubbish, garbage, cobblers, trash, nonesense, eyewash - a linguistic useage meaning that something is crap or not up to standard big time. This will be PART ONE of a two part HYDE SOUTHBANK HOMES "OPERATION TOMMYROT" sequence. The intention should be reasonably clear - HYDE SOUTHBANK HOMES leaves much to be desired.
This blogger has lived in a central STOCKWELL flat for over 55 years which includes the period since HYDE took on board ownership. Hyde are not a Peter Rachman outfit but they are not up to scratch in many ways and indeed the current SOUTH LONDON PRESS (12 Feb) coincidently carries an authoritative report criticising Hyde's performance. From time to time I happen to talk to local folk in passing about one matter or another that HYDE has a connection with and many times folk are scathing about their performance. For myself I have had positive experiences and have also had some absolutely dire indeed legally questionable ones - and this blog has configured various examples before -
HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.
Hyde's local publication HOME GROUND (discontinued after its summer 2009 edition) has been superceded by a one off WINTER BULLETIN (2009) effort. The long term editior of Home Ground was sacked in September by email - here - after 22 quarterly editions, and HYDE's current WINTER BULLETIN - hardly inspires. HYDE has a new regular journal in mind but reckons it can't decide on a name for it - so it invites WINTER BULLETIN readers to stick up a suggestion - its the "big decision" (Hyde's actual rhetoric) and they want to hear from readers what it should be called .... then in the very next breath well well they don't want too imaginative a response because HYDE sticks up 3 tags and clarifies that these are the ONLY options available to readers. Its a cobblers fakery really - they simply want to manufacture a semblance of big hearted right on all round woweee participation.
Hyde's local publication HOME GROUND (discontinued after its summer 2009 edition) has been superceded by a one off WINTER BULLETIN (2009) effort. The long term editior of Home Ground was sacked in September by email - here - after 22 quarterly editions, and HYDE's current WINTER BULLETIN - hardly inspires. HYDE has a new regular journal in mind but reckons it can't decide on a name for it - so it invites WINTER BULLETIN readers to stick up a suggestion - its the "big decision" (Hyde's actual rhetoric) and they want to hear from readers what it should be called .... then in the very next breath well well they don't want too imaginative a response because HYDE sticks up 3 tags and clarifies that these are the ONLY options available to readers. Its a cobblers fakery really - they simply want to manufacture a semblance of big hearted right on all round woweee participation.
Popped into HYDE's "Reception" early in the week having seen a curious puzzling half page in the WINTER BULLETIN promoting (at page 16 - see repro image above) an "ANNNUAL UPDATE 2009 - CELEBRATING DIVERSITY, PROMOTING inclusion" report. Showed HYDE "Reception" the feature and asked for a copy - the official didn't have a clue - he went and got me a report that was exactly the very same WINTER BULLETIN and opened it up to the same page (16) as I was showing him and then said that was it and then scratched his head and said it was very weird and then that he could only think that that was the report itself - it wasn't actually. The WINTER BULLETIN item was so badly presented that he was not able to suss which report was actually being referred to and on that Hyde visit that was that. He thanked me for the visit as it had revealed to him that the WINTER BULLETIN had been badly produced with a report inside the BULLETIN being angled as though it was separately available, when he reckoned it was just the spread right there on page 16. In reality there was a separate report but Hyde's "Receptionist" had not realised that and was completely mistaken. The "Receptionist" had been genuinely trying to assist but was genuinely fazed by the WINETR BULLETIN presentation.
Popped into HYDE's "Reception" early in the week having seen a curious puzzling half page in the WINTER BULLETIN promoting (at page 16 - see repro image above) an "ANNNUAL UPDATE 2009 - CELEBRATING DIVERSITY, PROMOTING inclusion" report. Showed HYDE "Reception" the feature and asked for a copy - the official didn't have a clue - he went and got me a report that was exactly the very same WINTER BULLETIN and opened it up to the same page (16) as I was showing him and then said that was it and then scratched his head and said it was very weird and then that he could only think that that was the report itself - it wasn't actually. The WINTER BULLETIN item was so badly presented that he was not able to suss which report was actually being referred to and on that Hyde visit that was that. He thanked me for the visit as it had revealed to him that the WINTER BULLETIN had been badly produced with a report inside the BULLETIN being angled as though it was separately available, when he reckoned it was just the spread right there on page 16. In reality there was a separate report but Hyde's "Receptionist" had not realised that and was completely mistaken. The "Receptionist" had been genuinely trying to assist but was genuinely fazed by the WINETR BULLETIN presentation.
Two days after the above codswallop result this blogger had an arranged abysmal meeting (11 Feb - HYDE 2/11) with a senior Hyde official whose specialisation is the eradication of anti social behaviour which ought of course to take on board the reorganisation and eradication of environmental or social factors that give rise to unacceptable behaviours. The misuse of areas of Hyde's property as a public toilet because no public toilets are available are a case in point. This week at this meeting this blogger mentioned the closure of STOCKWELL's public toilets in 1988 (obviously long before their ASBO officer came on the Hyde scene) and he immediately interjected to make the point that public toilets are a magnet for anti social behaviour. He was therefore asked if he knew of, or better still had read the LONDON ASSEMBLY (2006) report "AN URGENT NEED" - nope, no siree he neither knew of or had read it. This report was very important - the title stresses its importance - and it details the low down on public toilet closures London wide over a 20 year period and indicates that in truth anti social behaviour was nothing like as big a factor as many folk mistakenly thought. In fact this LONDON ASSEMBLY report had actually been flagged up (as reproduced above) in the HYDE (winter 2006) edition of HOME GROUND. Not remotely an inspiring meeting with Hyde last week.
Hyde are supporting the establishment of a STOCKWELL area anti social behaviour dispersal zone - so cops can then move whomsoever on and off the streets on no more than mere suspicion that something could occur. This blog has already recently - here - questioned aspects of this dispersal zone initiative and at the meeting Hyde's ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR official was requested in passing to look at the imagery currently being peddled by STOCKWELL LABOUR WARD COUNCILLORS to solicit support for their dispersal initiative - the HYDE offical totally refused even to look at the image in question with the excuse that Hyde would not comment on anything like that - he was also asked to scrutinise current SCOTLAND YARD H Q imagery being publicly used (as reproduced above) for the same law'n'order purposes and he again remained adamant that Hyde would neither countenance nor comment in any way on such propagandistic imagery.
Two days after the above codswallop result this blogger had an arranged abysmal meeting (11 Feb - HYDE 2/11) with a senior Hyde official whose specialisation is the eradication of anti social behaviour which ought of course to take on board the reorganisation and eradication of environmental or social factors that give rise to unacceptable behaviours. The misuse of areas of Hyde's property as a public toilet because no public toilets are available are a case in point. This week at this meeting this blogger mentioned the closure of STOCKWELL's public toilets in 1988 (obviously long before their ASBO officer came on the Hyde scene) and he immediately interjected to make the point that public toilets are a magnet for anti social behaviour. He was therefore asked if he knew of, or better still had read the LONDON ASSEMBLY (2006) report "AN URGENT NEED" - nope, no siree he neither knew of or had read it. This report was very important - the title stresses its importance - and it details the low down on public toilet closures London wide over a 20 year period and indicates that in truth anti social behaviour was nothing like as big a factor as many folk mistakenly thought. In fact this LONDON ASSEMBLY report had actually been flagged up (as reproduced above) in the HYDE (winter 2006) edition of HOME GROUND. Not remotely an inspiring meeting with Hyde last week.
Hyde are supporting the establishment of a STOCKWELL area anti social behaviour dispersal zone - so cops can then move whomsoever on and off the streets on no more than mere suspicion that something could occur. This blog has already recently - here - questioned aspects of this dispersal zone initiative and at the meeting Hyde's ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR official was requested in passing to look at the imagery currently being peddled by STOCKWELL LABOUR WARD COUNCILLORS to solicit support for their dispersal initiative - the HYDE offical totally refused even to look at the image in question with the excuse that Hyde would not comment on anything like that - he was also asked to scrutinise current SCOTLAND YARD H Q imagery being publicly used (as reproduced above) for the same law'n'order purposes and he again remained adamant that Hyde would neither countenance nor comment in any way on such propagandistic imagery.
"WINTER BULLETIN" HYDE-speak rhetoric right now is
and above we have a brilliant TOMMYROT demonstration.
- click here for PART 2 - Hyde's double-bluff
re CTS participation
well and truly nailed
- forget cosey posey pretty pretty colours Hyde.
It is useful to try everything in practice anyway and I like that here it's always possible to find something new. :)
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