Wednesday 17 July 2013


The full undercover origins of  UNDERCOVER DNA POLICE DOGS used to infiltrate the ANIMAL RIGHTS MOVEMENT to collect ANIMAL RIGHTS activist and associated DNA evidence remains cloaked in secrecy.  It is believed that the fuzz dogs used false identities based on those of deceased pet baby puppies. Although obviously still well cagey, police sources are currently beginning to open up re SPECIAL BRANCH and SPECIAL DEMONSTRATIONS SQUAD covert activities involving human stolen identities and about their occasional extrovert criminal activities, committed by police spies so to pretend to those they wished to infiltrate that they were law breakers and OK to trust 24/7 etcetera, so far the police hierarchy have remained completely silent about covert activities by UNDERCOVER POLICE DOGS using deceased puppies stolen identities. During the rush hour a police dog handler was asked at KINGS CROSS today about such allegations and responded that “it was too hot” to respond. His dog’s behaviour appeared quite unaffected.       


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