A central Stockwell’s backstreet wall belonging to Stockwell Underground Station is being hit-up over and over by fly-by-night freestyle BANKSY pyyysss artists. The wall in question faces out immediately across from Dr Sally Whittet’s Surgery and the local Stockwell Resource and Community Centre (SRCC). The closure and demolition of nearby toilets by ultr-grot Lambeth Council has led to this development. Studley Road has become another Home Ground where a whole shower of freestyle local BANKSY pyysssss 'eads regularly relieve themselves. The unsavoury vibe appears to be BACK STREET BANKSY PYYYSSS'EADS RULE OK!
These liquid visitations which dampen darken and run down the wall traverse the pavements from wall to kerbside. Welcome one and all to Studley Estate on Hyde Southbank Homes territory. Close to the small back door used by Stockwell Station BRITISH TRANSPORT POLICE these caught-short BANKSY style pyysss'eads regularly perform their desecrations. Wending their way local mothers, schoolkids, grand pa’s and whomsoevers kinda hopscotch to avoid streams’n’pyyysss runs.
You wont have ever read about it in HOME GROUND.. too distasteful by half. Or have found it particularised on other local blogs.
So what about finding it in “LAMBETH Life” the Council fortnightly propaganda bum wipe? No chance whatever – far too politically sensitive a topic for them. Mind you here’s the absolute utter bullshit from the latest edition 15 April (page 14) -
“Lambeth Life always strives to be balanced and to
reflect a range of opinions on local issues in its reporting”.
reflect a range of opinions on local issues in its reporting”.
On the vexed issue of public toilet provision the above is an out and out total lie – see many previous STOCKWEELL TOILET WATCH posts. "Grot Stockwell pyyyss head" stories would embarrass the Council into doing something about a central Stockwell problem it obviously sure aint doing much at all to sort. It has instead been a more urgent matter for them to seek to shut down this blog.
Over to you Sacha Jevans click “MD” at Hyde Southbank Homes.
Over to you Jonathan Radcliffe click Hyde “Principle Housing Officer.
Over to you Grimeball Reed click so called “Leader” Lambeth Council.
Meanwhile it's still TREES FOR SHITTIES click. It's still business as usual at BETTER BOOKIES / DUNKERS ALLEY at the Station front. BACK WALL BANKSY’s RULE OK at the rear with yet even more pyysssin across the bus stop pavements. And long term we still have missing local Stockwell Ward Councillors.
Hey ho yet again Spring is in the air. And here at toiletless Stockwell there be fly by night freestyle BANKSY pyyysss'eads a-plenty.
Over to you Sacha Jevans click “MD” at Hyde Southbank Homes.
Over to you Jonathan Radcliffe click Hyde “Principle Housing Officer.
Over to you Grimeball Reed click so called “Leader” Lambeth Council.
Meanwhile it's still TREES FOR SHITTIES click. It's still business as usual at BETTER BOOKIES / DUNKERS ALLEY at the Station front. BACK WALL BANKSY’s RULE OK at the rear with yet even more pyysssin across the bus stop pavements. And long term we still have missing local Stockwell Ward Councillors.
Hey ho yet again Spring is in the air. And here at toiletless Stockwell there be fly by night freestyle BANKSY pyyysss'eads a-plenty.
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