Monday 28 January 2013


See if you can decode RINGWAY JACOBS difficulties.

Oh my just look at these obstructive railings slowing down local traffic
RINGWAY JACOBS the highways outfit keen on removing protective kerbside railings from a local  primary school - have significantly featured in my most recent couple of blog spots re STOCKWELL ROAD PRIMARY SCHOOL's protective kerbside railings.

Anyway RINGWAY JAC0BS have now exhibited their brain department's cerebral difficulties by removing the three panels of kerbside protective railings from the immediately adjacent pedestrian crossing ( as photographed above) just half a dozen or so paces away from the above mentioned PRIMARY SCHOOL area entrance frontage. Cant see that those original absolutely modest and well intentioned protections were hindering local traffic flows so brain damaged RINGWAY JACOBS might possibly have had some other as yet undisclosed motivating impetus.

Endeavours are continuing via KATE HOEY MP and TRANSPORT FOR LONDON to clarify this latest RINGWAY JACOBS dollop of crass utter mischevousness. Maybe these railings were a danger to local helicopter flights huh?  Watch this space for possible R J brain damaged enlightenment. But don't hold your breath.

TRANSPORT FOR LONDON have been contacted to clarify whether they authorised this particular pedestrian railings removal - and explain the rational for it if so. So far no reply.

When TRANSPORT FOR LONDON emailed KATE HOEY MP on 17 January saying that for sure the Stockwell Primary School protective kerbside railings would not be removed and that the REMOVAL NOTICES should not even have been posted TFL did not elaborate at all on the proposed nearby PEDESTRIAN CROSSING kerbside railings - the removal signage for which had been part of the very same RINGWAY JACOBS operation. We await clarification.


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