---Don't CLICK on image as "change" might cause them too much trauma.
The "STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL FLAT OUT BELLY FLOPPERS" now have their own local LABOUR PARTY BLOG. Its supposed to be "for change" etcetera etcetera. Its been on the road up a cul de sac for a couple of months. The blog organiser is "BLIND SPOT BLOGGER ALEX" BIGHAM. Guess what the belly flop blog doesn't mention. Public Toilet non provision. What a surprise. Middlesboro Bowyer is "still playing away" - so no change there. "Caught short" Belly Flop Blog's most recent post isn't shy of a bit of over the top verbal re last Friday's STOCKWELL intersection fire - the premises is allegedly run by ne'erdowells etc., etc., Our 3 Ward Councillors (so-called) including "on the knocker PAV"(>see<) are supposed not to be tolerant of outspoken blogs - indeed Imogen Walker complained that STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH should be blocked by the Council (> see <) for satirising her politically. Clock their blog allegations re last Fridays Stockwell Road "CHICKEN TAKEAWAY" fire - talk about don't do as we do do as we say. Here is "caught short Alex's" blogspot verbal
"...It looks somewhat suspicious. Local residents, including the Stockwell Park Residents Association have rightly complained about the shop before. It has become a magnet for youths and gangs who hang around and outside the shop intimidating passers by. I have also heard that it has been the victim of 2 drive bys, and that one of the reasons so many gangs hang out there is that the owner is only 17(!) having been bought the shop by her Dad. Labour councillors and residents rightly opposed the extension of their licence til 3am, but more action may need to be taken if the shop reopens. I'll update this if I hear any more".
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