Click on this > hyperlink >
and compare what you see there with what you see in the photograph above. It's been a long haul - about four years - in fact much much longer - to get Hyde to take any notice of the misuse of the estate as a public toilet. The tree's are those behind the NILE CAFE which have been frequently hitherto used as a public convenience. 'Course the misuse of the estate has largely come about because LAMBETH COUNCIL like many many many London wide Councils closed local public toilets to cut budgets on the quiet. But up until very very recently Hyde had done pretty well nothing to resolve the problem - meetings with its staff in early 2010 - SEE HERE - were a disappointing waste of time. This latest - INDEED FIRST EVER - tree pruning exercise could all be down to an ongoing ding dong between this blogger and Hyde's disappointing MANAGING DIRECTOR, JAN TARANCZUK - (JT). More on this in due course. "JT" was a touch unhappy (understatement) because this blogger had recently had the temerity to criticise DAVID "LACKING" LACKEY the uncommunicative CHAIR of STUDLEY ESTATE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATION (SERA). Nearly 18 months after a meeting between HYDE and SERA it has so far been impossible to get details of what transpired - even HYDE's MD has so far failed to produce the goods. We live in hope - well almost!! 'Course getting slow motion Hyde to do anything significant publicly about lack of local public toilet provision at immensely busy Central Stockwell has so far proved impossible. Next blogspot? Maybe a recent (June 2011) letter re HYDE to local MP KATE HOEY would prove to be of interest. PS. Course piddlers will still use the trees area for relief ... many's the time they've stood there widdling very openly foliage or no foliage. The pruning will put some off but not all. Oh no.
Tomorrow STOCKWELL LABOUR PARTY HQ clean-up news.