Monday 28 January 2013


See if you can decode RINGWAY JACOBS difficulties.

Oh my just look at these obstructive railings slowing down local traffic
RINGWAY JACOBS the highways outfit keen on removing protective kerbside railings from a local  primary school - have significantly featured in my most recent couple of blog spots re STOCKWELL ROAD PRIMARY SCHOOL's protective kerbside railings.

Anyway RINGWAY JAC0BS have now exhibited their brain department's cerebral difficulties by removing the three panels of kerbside protective railings from the immediately adjacent pedestrian crossing ( as photographed above) just half a dozen or so paces away from the above mentioned PRIMARY SCHOOL area entrance frontage. Cant see that those original absolutely modest and well intentioned protections were hindering local traffic flows so brain damaged RINGWAY JACOBS might possibly have had some other as yet undisclosed motivating impetus.

Endeavours are continuing via KATE HOEY MP and TRANSPORT FOR LONDON to clarify this latest RINGWAY JACOBS dollop of crass utter mischevousness. Maybe these railings were a danger to local helicopter flights huh?  Watch this space for possible R J brain damaged enlightenment. But don't hold your breath.

TRANSPORT FOR LONDON have been contacted to clarify whether they authorised this particular pedestrian railings removal - and explain the rational for it if so. So far no reply.

When TRANSPORT FOR LONDON emailed KATE HOEY MP on 17 January saying that for sure the Stockwell Primary School protective kerbside railings would not be removed and that the REMOVAL NOTICES should not even have been posted TFL did not elaborate at all on the proposed nearby PEDESTRIAN CROSSING kerbside railings - the removal signage for which had been part of the very same RINGWAY JACOBS operation. We await clarification.

Tuesday 22 January 2013


Local MP KATE HOEY acted promptly on the information forwarded to her about the "proposed removal" of the kerbside school protective railings. By then I’d additionally advised her that the idiots proposing these removals were also intending to remove the railings at the immediately adjacent "nearby pedestrian crossing". Utterly moronic removals given that the intended removal of these school railings ware successfully challenged just a few months ago in September 2012. Anyway TRANSPORT FOR LONDON has oversight on such removals – although they do not actually carry them out – oh no its a shower of "brown stuff" nick-named RINGWAY JACOBS. Anyway HOEY made her/ our concerns pretty promptly known to TRANSPORT FOR LONDON and back came a "surprising" very prompt reply (17 January) that the railings will definitely NOT be getting removed – absolutely no way! And that for the NOTICES to have been posted was mistake that will not happen again.

This is one of the current removal op' notices starring RINGWAY JACOBS etc 

The above referred to TFL response is described as ”SURPRISING” because you wonder how on earth did "brown stuff" RINGWAY JACOBS operatives get to make their STOCKWELL PRIMARY SCHOOL re-visit and then re-attempt a brown stuff craftily discriminating attempt. to remove these primary school children protective railings. This RINGWAY JACOBS outfit clearly knew about the previous September’s decision to keep the protective railings in-situ and so you do wonder whether they’re into some kinda nod nod wink wink scrap metal initiative. And furthermore - are the scrap metal removals fully audited -  and accounted for? I mean are they "FULLY AUDITED" and "ACCOUNTED FOR".

I mean is every scrap that gets removed fully audited. 
Scrap metal returns in these highly straightened times 
might be an EARNER. Might be.   

These railings are for the protection of 
very young primary school children.
How on earth are such railings 
buggering local transport flow!        

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Only last year towards the end of the summer period local MP KATE HOEY and other local CouncillorsCommunity Group reps and others (this blogger included - HERE) had to jump to it to stop the removal of kerbside protective railings immediately outside the school - which had been there for decades. There was a sigh of relief that the railings were saved and NOT REMOVED.

Anyway the PRIMARY SCHOOL metal kerbside protective railings are under urgent threat yet again. Last year the morons wanted to remove the lot but at the moment they are proposing to remove just over  half of them - see marked up photo below.  STOCKWELL NEWS BLOG hasn't yet registered the problem for locals and seems rather taken instead with utter codswallop dollops of fiction - HERE - about Sixties STOCKWELL when it was virtually "A SLUM" - which in fact it wasn't.

CLICK on the image to helpfully increase its detailed information. 

Anyway urgent representations have yet again been made to local MP KATE HOEY and hopefully she will do an urgent positive TALLY HO number to save these primary school children's protective kerbside railings.

The local STAND UP FOR STOCKWELL blog has been in almost total deep slumber for months - so no help in view in that direction - well it is run by the 3 local STOCKWELL WARD COUNCILLORS.  One of them IMOGEN WALKER ono is supposed to be the local authority BIG PIN for the ENVIRONMENT. Dream on.

Thursday 3 January 2013


To read the above STANDARD report in full click below link -

Well well well if current rumours actually prove true this could be a truly amazing opportunity for London cops to do even more moonlighting than they do currently - see HERE. It'll maybe even provide an opportunity for the senior female Met cop whose monika momentarily escapes me - she who played a very very important role in getting the cops off the hook who had blasted Jean Charles Menezes to death at Stockwell Underground Station back in July 2005.

It is anticipated that if these massive "SPEARMINT STRINGFELLOW"  dance scene UP THE POLE establishments do go ahead within abandoned Met Cop shops the new establishments will very conveniently have located within them small police desk facilities where aggrieved members of the public can report crimes - indeed it is anticipated they could obviously very usefully provide much needed out of normal hours facilities. Indeed even any not wholly satisfied up pole dance client could obtain on the spot credible Plod advice as to what remedy would be available for them to energetically pursue.

Extremely sadly however it is not anticipated that NEW SCOTLAND YARD will become one such UP THE POLE dance establishment and obviously that has got to be a very major disappointment which may take some years to overcome.    

So far this blogger has not been able to get a response from London Mayor BORIS JOHNSON. As a relatively recent ex SPECTATOR editor in the days when it carried regular Ads' for Ladies wishing to privately entertain "gentlemen" readers,  he might well be pretty sympathetic.

It is understood that the initiative has been got together by the now decades old open minded STATEWATCH RESEARCH group - which is not that surprising when one recalls now what an innovative original and endlessly progressive contribution it has now made over several decades - see HERE too.

Local COMMUNITY POLICE CONSULTATIVE GROUPS may not be altogether pleased but then they have largely now proved to be a washout for 25 years - including here locally in LAMBETH. Indeed only just recently in the context of Elected POLICE COMMISSIONERS local Lambeth MP KATE HOEY wrote that the CPCC's had gone somewhat into decline. Indeed she advised that even the HOME OFFICE had never ever tabulated or ever researched how many such CPCC groups had been established countrywide. The LAMBETH GROUP has the catchy slogan "YOUR SHOUT" but does absolutely no shouting to speak of. Indeed its officials informed this blogger that no one in the Group had any interest in the ELECTED POLICE COMMISSIONERS initiative.

Of course it's still early days but ex COP SHOP UP THE POLE DANCING would seem to be another UK on the up and up initiative. "SPEARMINT STRINGFELLOWS" - I like it!!