-----------------------Click on images to ENLARGE.
Unlike central STOCKWELL at least PETRALIA SOTTANA did actually have public toilets even if, as illustrated, they were very filthy. And this KILROY intervention did create positive local controversy and action on the part in of the MUNICIPAL authorites - unlike grot LAMBETH COUNCIL. It was a pity that it took the up-front intervention of a " tourist" to achieve improvement - locals one and all of course well knew about the conditions that had long prevailed. God alone knows what a "tourist" would have to do to prompt GROT LAMBETH to take firm action.

The expression says it all -
truly a deep bowelled tragedy.

In an unprecedented move following a long ranging hush hush review which took in several hundred editions of
The Archers stretching as far back as the period of
Dixon of Dock Green the
Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police has today announced the potential closure and re-classification of
up to 60 London Police Stations as PUBLIC TOILETS. However
Sir Ian has given assurances that no single
Borough will be left without any
Police Stations at all except those that willy nilly get left out
"a la the Menezes Murder" because the
Commissioner himself gets left out of the loop for no believably explicable reason.
Commissioner Blair readily acknowledged that as in the
Menezes case police rightly came in for a great deal of shit and so this latest proposal is the Met’s heart felt way of meeting perceived public sensibilities more than half way.
“A lot of my officers feel that this re-designation will go a long way to endear police to the public especially the elderly many of whom are virtually housebound because they are sorely under-catered for so far as public toilet provision is concerned”.
Many officers currently wastefully deployed in local back streets on
“CENSUS” duties eventually hope to be re-deployed as
“Neighbourhood Toilet Facilitators”. The
Commissioner has given his word that none will be so deployed until having undergone full and rigorous training
Commissioner has also used the occasion to point up the lesson he has drawn from the discovery only
last Friday of an
unexploded Second World War bomb in
East London where there is a thriving
Moslem Community. This astonishing discovery is now regarded as further reason why the period for holding suspects without charge should be extended to 42 days with the possibility of even further review and extension once the
Police Stations into Public Toilets re-designation process gets under way. He was unable just now to offer a time frame for these eagerly awaited improvements. It is not known if
Stockwell will benefit but
KILROY is keeping his extended two fingers un-crossed.

Click on
IMAGE to read the latest
super-slick GRIMEBALL REED LAMBETH LOW LIFE "Column". He's begging for it - wants folk to write to him about local difficulties - he'll leap up off his rear end and sort things!!
If only low life
GRIME BALL REED could be relied upon to do it - unfortunately
NOT.This is the
LAMBETH LOW LIFE who dealt off the very bottom of the pack at the
28 January Council Cabinet meeting that considered
Lambeth public toilet provision.Take him up on his
LAMBETH LIAR offer - request him to provide the full guff on what exactly he is doing to provide public toilets in
central Stockwell - see how far you
DON'T get with it.
Ask him why it is that this borough wide problem has barely ever seen the light of day in
When exactly is
central Stockwell going to see the
Why no
LAMBETH LIAR feed back at all when it is over 4 months since the Lambeth Cabinet supposedly agreed to operate such a scheme?