As old Tom Paine might have said if he could have even cared a rotting fig about kick about "these are the times that try men's souls". And poor local Portuguese Lib Dem goal keeper LINO DIOGO deserves a plaudit or two for having done his honourable damnedest.
Of course it was a 3 - 0 victory to the STOCKWELL NEWTS. Even Actress-Councillor Baroness Imogen Walker of Larkhall Park Gated Community shone out - which is another absolute tragedy in itself. If not for her then certainly for the rest of us.
Mind you under pressure during the "kick about" competition she confessed a passing sympathy for pensioners who due to lack of local Central Stockwell Public Toilets for 22 years plus have suffered - and continue to do so. But she cant abide political satire especially when aimed in her "negligent newt" direction. Shame political Playwrite and Poet Harold Pinter has died or he could have been protectively summoned to her actress side. Poor dimwit Imogen how the heart yearns to reach out and comfort her.
To get back to equally tragic goal keeper DIOGO - that goal mouth was far to big for him to take full charge of. It will takle him very many years to recover. At the moment he is on round the clock "suicide watch" and when he is as reasonably fit and well again as one could expect there will be a truly noisey huge "BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO GOALIE DIOGO" Portuguese Community celebratory Kennington Park shin dig - including endless free helpings of Sardines dipped in the blood of CHRIST knows what.
Check out
Tapsell's codswallop
here - where no
Minutes have been posted
since June 2009. As the above
STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH "my shout" card states this negligence has persisted despite numerous reminders by this blogger - what a defunct Tapsell outfit. Website visitors are invited to consult the
Minutes and have their bullshit rhetorical
In May 2009 this outfit had a special IAN TOMLINSON meeting - again no Minutes were produced despite reminders from this blogger and also repeat requests even by Group members - that is they were not produced until quite suddenly just this week - that is OVER A YEAR after the meeting took place. However these important TOMLINSON meeting Minutes have not been posted on the Group website - so most folk wouldn't have a clue that the meeting ever took place. "YOUR SHOUT" indeed!!!
Far worse than mere drips Tapsell &Co., are cop-out cop consultants.
The website still has GRETA BROOKS as a Group member - in fact she's been dead since January.
Tomorrow this blogger will separately upload the IAN TOMLINSON meeting "Minutes" of May 2009 in full.

CLICK on the above
Council published item re
public toilets dated
6th June to clarify details.
In our next blogspot we'll be featuring
CLAPHAM HIGH STREET's disappeared twice a week only
pop-up electronic pissoir. Hey ho it's gone already after just about 12 months in operation - it took about 18 months to install. It'd popped up for about 10 hours in total a week late at night -
see here - to cater solely for men out on the weekend razzle in
Clapham High Street and has now been disappeared. Anyway more in the next blogspot. Meanwhile
Lambeth Council bullshit broadsheet - dated
6 June - has grubbed through the letter box on this merry morn.
It has come as something of a shock to find LL actually publishing (as above) a letter about long term lack of public toilet provision - altho' not in Stockwell but in Norwood. LAMBETH LIAR has responded in print too. Of course the LL reply is dripping with unexplained half truths.
LAMBETH COUNCIL does not want to make proper adequate public toilet provision. That is its basic position
although it's barely ever stated as such. Instead we have the usual cop-out bullshit about the
COMMUNTIY TOILET SCHEME - this is the scheme that no one except this blogger had the honesty to request
HYDE SOUTHBANK HOMES to participate in, only to get the
Hyde "two fingers" from
ANTI SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR senior offical -
see blogspots here for full details. Our
3 local STOCKWELL WARD COUNCILLORS - altho' now on
HYDE's "BOARD" - wouldn't broach the subject with
HYDE and instead just stayed totally tight lipped. So
this BLOGGER did raise the matter.
What utter crap Ward Councillors they (PETE BOWYER, ALEX BIGHAM and IMOGEN WALKER) are and they're now all set to do sod all for another 4 years or so.
A close associate of theirs has confided that they've got their eyes set on Parliamentary careers and that Stockwell is well down on their real priority list. -----------------------------
This blogger has detailed -
see here - an attempt made in
January / February 2009 to enrol local
central STOCKWELL businesses etc., in the
COMMUNITY TOILET SCHEME and it was an abject total failure - the shortcomings were detailed on this blog (open above link to scrutinise). Since that failure
STOCKWELL LABOUR PARTY has not raised a single finger to provide
CENTRAL STOCKWELL public toilets
in any shape or form whatsoever. Indeed as previously blogged local
LABOUR have remained absolutely tight lipped on the topic and must have deliberately done so simply because it is a matter that they do not want to address. When the
Community Toilet Scheme initiative fails in a particular area - as it has here in
STOCKWELL's 3 WARD COUNCILLORS just stay off topic and totally unresponsive. And
HYDE SOUTHBANK HOMES in the jargon a major
CENTRAL STOCKWELL "stake holder" also stays totally tight lipped too.
HYDE pretends to be community sensitive and pro community provision but on this topic they have demonstrated 100 per cent that they have done and are are doing absolutely nothing at all. For
HYDE to press publicly for local public toilet provision would put them at odds with their political local authority cronies and the latter do not want to publicly broach the topic and
HYDE well knows it.
These factors give the lie to the above reproduced 6 June LAMBETH LIAR pro toilet provision response. The above LAMBETH LIAR response says that the Council will be reviewing the COMMUNITY TOILET SCHEME situation in the Crystal Palace area and yet the scheme has been in place for 2 years and the toilets in question have been closed for years - so what has slowed down the CTS review process? Lack of toilet provision commitment - ie., the very same factor that closed the toilets initially - other factors were used simply as an excuse to close them.