Home Secretary Reid plans “LLOGOSBO's" for ANTI SOCIAL LAMBETH COUNCIL.
As part of the government’s planned crack-down on serious-disorganised-slime-crime, to be debated in Parliament this very week,
Home Secretary John Reid, will unveil plans to impose
ASBO type control orders - LLOGOSBO's - on local authority officials,“Cabinet” level council members, and other member-level riff-raff believed to be deeply implicated in offensive and “serious-organised-slime” type anti-social policy dis-intiatives.
Specifically targeted at crap
Lambeth Council, the anti-slime anti-crime control-type orders (known as
LLOGOSBO’s) will go down a treat with many local people sick to the back teeth with witnessing Lambeth’s year-on-year prevarication and procrastination.
As one old campaigner still dressed in the self protective clothing he’d worn to meet
Home Secretary Reid (including air filters) explained:
"these Lambeth LOcal GOvernment Shit Bag OrderS are just what the doctor ordered. Why it is that these total cop-outs can get up on their high horses to clamp down on youths for daring to hang about on street corners while the Council has done nothing at all to provide public toilets for those who badly need them, and as a result quite apart from adding insult to injury, these LLOGOSBO losers are responsible for all the slime and shit accumulations up Dunkers Alley. And never forget this - it was Shit Bag Lambeth Council who closed our toilets in the first place”. Dunkers Alley refers to the Clapham main road footpath cul-de-sac much used after the above closure for nearly 20 years as a public toilet.

Click on images to enhance.
Taken from the 2006 summer "STOCKWELL sCRAPBOOK" I am confident that the Attorney General will NOT deem the well intentioned positive use of this mug-shot (without police permission) to be an indelicate infringement of Clare's "human rights". She is after all an escapee "on the run" (ex lifer) from Newt Labour. And she certainly could have been "caught short" because there are no local public loos and I understand that she lives locally with about a half mile walk home from Stockwell Tube Station. She certainly didn't close our loos back September 1988. Although that crudely performed ignoble deed WAS a Labour one, carried out by our local borough council. A late 8O's instance of ASBO behaviour by elected politicians. Try slapping an ASBO on that power elite posse. Or indeed on their successors. Fat chance.
The efforts of
STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH to highlight and reduce
local authority anti social behaviour are
NOT funded by the
Metropolitan Police, the Metropolitan Police Authority or
Lambeth Borough Council. However they have had indirect support from the
Greater London Authority arising from
"AN URGENT NEED" a report published by the GLA in early 2006. This report reviewed the serious increase in
the lack of public toilet provision London-wide over the past 2O year period. Unfortunately Lambeth's lack of provision figured much less in the above report than it clearly ought to have.
With an ear to current
Association of Chief Police Officers advice I am temporarily postponing the publication of any images relating to
Stockwell Toilet Watch because to do so might infringe the
"human rights" of local Stockwell worthies who inevitably get "caught short" because since closure there have now been no local public toilets here for nigh on 2o year'.
In addition I would like to reassure all escapee long term prisoners hiding out in the Stockwell undergrowth (who have not yet been shot in error by police) that if they need to open their bowels or relieve their bursting bladders in this
busy neighbourhood they will not be grassed up or otherwise publicly hounded. Not to the local police, or to the Council, or the media - the latter includes the in-house cop-out Council rag
"LAMBETH life". In my next I hope to carry a brief illustrated review of last years two smelly little
STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH publications including the
"STOCKWELL sCRAPBOOK".Meanwhile any readers who still remember the brutal slaughter in July 2005 at Stockwell Underground Station by police of the young brazilian electrician
Jean Charles de Menezes can enrol to participate with armed Metropolitan Police Firearms Units in mock-up anti-terrorist exercises. According to the London media (2 January) the Met are laying on these participatory "opportunities" to get their point of view across to those members of the public who concluded from the 22 July 2005 events that Met firearms officers had behaved in an over-zealous extremely trigger happy fashion. It is presumed that
Sir Ian Blair, the Met Commissioner, has been informed that these mock-up counter propaganda exercises have been organised. Any reader who suspects that he may have been been kept in the dark could send him a polite missive as it may thus save substantial public funds by preventing yet another wasteful
Independent Police Complaints Commission investigation. Reportedly rank and file Met' officers are currently shitting themselves because the
I.P.C.C. is seriously threatening to have hearings for
"serious police disciplinary offences" held in public. This is also an acute worry for
STOCKWELL TOILET WATCH - given the 22 July 2005 events - because local officers might start needing to "dunk" in the Stockwell area where there are no public toilets.
Ex Commander Paddick may yet be prevailed upon to re-visit the manor with his pooper-scooper.