Do CLICK on the above CHEESY image to ENLARGE text and "read all about it".
Stockwell Toilet Watch (STW) posted a "comment" (see below) on the "WE LOVE LARKHALL" local LABOUR PARTY BLOG which had featured (as above) a clownish post about the new LAMBETH COUNCIL "MAYOR" who constituancy-wise more specifically represents CLAPHAM.
Subject to local Labour Party moderator approval will our "Comment" ever see the light of day?
"We've got no public toilets at all in central Stockwell instead we get clownish mug shots like this. Tip the Mayor off that the signage for the Community Toilet Scheme is mis-dislayed at the mis-called REVOLUTION BAR in Clapham High Street (so that it's barely visible). I have raised the matter a couple of times via the Secretary of the Stockwell Labour Party (Alex B) but nothing has happened - so maybe the Mayor can put on his robes and get down there. And while he's about it what about the electronic pop-up pissoirs (that were promoted as "space age" in LAMBETH Life) but which are still not functioning. So the message is - cut the smug Mayoral mug shots and let's have some very basic and greatly needed improvements. Of course there are no votes in public loos – that’s why in contrast half a million quid has just got shafted to the Stockwell Portuguese Community by Steve Reed so-called leader of Lambeth Council. Have a nice day."
Having been decided upon in January 2008 the piddlin (ie. pathetic jesture) local LABOUR electronic pop-up pissoirs refered to in the above STW comment were reportedly supposed to come into operation last OCTOBER and of course they still aren't.
The lovely manor of
CLAPHAM is especially notable because it has
several public toilet facilities from yester-year
which are still in-situ having now been locked barred and bolted for many years. Anyway dressing-up for a
"beaming local clown-spot" sure won't address the problem.
-----------Having no public toilets is an abuse and the Council who closed and destroyed them over these past 2 decades are the abusers.
Queen's police 'posed for photos on throne, traded porn and used guns while drunk'
Stephen Wright 22nd April 2009
Royal protection officers posed for 'comical' photographs on the
Queen's throne, traded hardcore pornography in locker rooms and handled firearms while drunk, a court heard yesterday.
Members of Scotland Yard's Royalty Protection Command based at Buckingham and St James's Palaces also sold steroids, fell asleep on duty and ran gambling rings, it was claimed.
On other occasions they smuggled friends into royal garden parties and offered them free Palace parking for shopping sprees, it was alleged.
'Life of luxury' Royalty Protection Officer Paul Page and his wife Laura, seen leaving court, are accused of running a £3million property scam.
The sensational claims were made at the trial of former Royal Protection Officer Paul Page, 37, accused of masterminding a £3million swindle from the Palace.
He set up a fake company and convinced 57 victims to plough their money into non-existent property developments, it is said.
He allegedly spent the money on gambling and maintaining a fabulous lifestyle, Southwark Crown Court has heard.
The ex-officer, who drove a fleet of luxury cars including a Porsche, started the scheme to recoup losses from the failed 'currency club', a spread-betting syndicate he ran from the Palace, it is claimed.
His wife of 12 years Laura, 42, is accused of channelling the money through her bank accounts over four years.
The pair are also said to have threatened to kill a childhood friend after he told police he had lost thousands of pounds in the alleged scam.
Some 20 officers parted with a total of at least £1.3million after being duped by Mr Page, jurors have heard.
John Cooper, defending Mr Page, suggested there was a 'culture of breaking the rules and stretching the limits' among Royal Protection Officers.
Cross-examining Sergeant Adam McGregor, who claims to have poured £150,000 into the swindle, Mr Cooper asked: 'Would you consider it serious if a police officer serving in royal protection got access to the thrones of the Queen and Prince Philip, sat on them with their feet up, putting their thumbs up in a comical pose and having their photographs taken?
'Would that be a bad thing? That's just what you have done, isn't it?'
Sergeant McGregor, who now works in Westminster, replied: 'I don't recall doing anything like that.'
Mr Cooper continued: 'You would certainly recall
it if you had sat on one of the thrones of the Queen and Prince Philip?'
Sergeant McGregor replied: 'I may have sat on one of the thrones, but I don't recall doing any comical poses.
'We're not talking about criminal damage.
'Sitting on the Queen's throne is perhaps something to say you've done in your life to tell your grandkids about.'
Asked if he thought it was 'disrespectful', he replied: 'It's not an ideal scenario.' Mr Cooper said it was an example of 'total disregard for the rules'. Sergeant McGregor also admitted he had 'nodded off' during a shift guarding the Queen. But he denied officers were routinely sleeping and covering for each other.
He also described as ' ridiculous' the lawyer's suggestion he had used his police car for 'ferrying
monies and gifts' generated by the currency club.
Referring to a supposed drugs racket, Mr Cooper said: 'Are you aware whether any officers you worked with have been involved with any other illicit, illegal dealings, such as the selling of steroids?'
Sergeant McGregor denied knowledge of this and another allegation of officers 'selling hardcore pornography' in locker rooms.
Mr Cooper also accused Sergeant McGregor of using his privileged access to garden parties 'where members of the Royal Family were present' to schmooze investors.
He asked: 'Have you ever arranged for investors to illicitly attend, slip them in through the back door, uninvited and unvetted?'
Sergeant McGregor denied this. He also denied offering parking spaces at Buckingham Palace, The Mall, and other royal households for friends on shopping trips.
The barrister also suggested officers had been both drunk and hungover at work and some were even handed guns while under the influence.
'I'm not aware of that at all,' said Sergeant McGregor.
Mr Page denies intimidation, threatening to take revenge, making a threat to kill and two counts of fraudulent trading - between January 1, 2003, and March 30, 2007.
His wife pleaded not guilty to 'being concerned in an arrangement facilitating dealings with criminal property', intimidation and threatening to kill.
The trial continues.

May I have the
brazen temerity to refer any gentle readers to the post made on
this blog just a day or three ago regarding the extremely brutal 1833 policing of the
London COLDBATH FIELDS DEMONSTRATION and the sensational (then) much celebrated popular reactive
"justifiable homicide" killing of a police officer. Not especially surprising that the establishment of the day took stock and played things a little easily the following year.
------------------------ Click-click on image to
ENLARGE details.
------------There was a bonkers totally-over-the-top
Cop Op' to retrieve a stick from dog in a
Public Park in
2000 - the
Park Authorities having forbidden dogs from playing with sticks urgently summoned
Police who laid on a
"Kettle" that dog op' - hence this contemporary
KILROY Tee Shirt
"DROP THAT STICK" design satire. Note a Cop about to
"STICK" the boot in.
I500 plus Riot Police in London attack a political reform demonstration in Copenhagen Fields off the Grays Inn Road. ---------The year is 1833 when without
any warning very many on the demonstration were attacked and brutalised by cops some of whom
were drunk and who for the most part had been
kept in hiding nearby. One copper, named
Constable Culley was killed.
------------An inquest into his death took place and the inquest jury sensationally decided that the police attack on the demonstration was so disgraceful, violent and uncalled for that the death of
Culley amounted to
"justifiable homicide". ---------The jurors were enormously feted and praised for their courageous principled decision.
Gavin Thurston in his slightly grudging book (page 164) wrote
“Never before in the history of our country has a jury been feted in such a way”.
----------The State was in a true fix. It pulled various behind the scenes strokes to quietly circumnavigate the problem and only one demonstrator was ever put on trial at the
Old Bailey and in that case too the jury gave a resounding
“NOT GUILTY”.-----------No cops were ever put on trial of course.